The CIAJG’s collection consists of 1128 objects of African, pre Columbian and ancient Chinese art, and works by the artist José de Guimarães.
Heteroclites: 1128 objects is an exhibition essay that reveals the entire collection, highlighting a debate between language, objects, subjects and politics. The crisis of objects and their representations, which constantly influences our daily lives, identities and heritages, is explored on the basis of a collection that, under the same unifying gesture, brings together so-called “extra-European” collections and contemporary art, artworks and religious items, different materials from various places and cultures of the world. How can we reveal the collection’s fractal nature without staging the usual ownership and power structures? How can we choreograph the polyphonic nature of this collection (i.e. reflecting many voices)?
At the same time, we are presenting the exhibitions Things in Motion and Sara Ramo. Throwing Stones. These are two autonomous exhibitions, but their titles suggest the tone in which the works around them can vibrate – agglutinating and making tangible the curator’s concerns and reflections. Things in Motion is an archive of historical images and of works by contemporary artists who, like the choir of a Greek theatre, comment on the “dramatic action” taking place in the various rooms of the collection. Sara Ramo. Throwing Stones offers a selection of recent works by the artist Sara Ramo, that amplifies the meaning of “heteroclite”, and seeks to overcome the separation between subjects and objects.
Marta Mestre
CIAJG Artistic Direction